讀經: 以西結書一章4至20節「4我觀看,見狂風從北方颳來,隨著有一朵包括閃爍火的大雲,周圍有光輝;從其中的火內發出好像光耀的精金;5又從其中顯出四個活物的形像來。他們的形狀是這樣:有人的形像,6各有四個臉面,四個翅膀。7他們的腿是直的,腳掌好像牛犢之蹄,都燦爛如光明的銅。8在四面的翅膀以下有人的手。這四個活物的臉和翅膀乃是這樣:9翅膀彼此相接,行走並不轉身,俱各直往前行。10至於臉的形像:前面各有人的臉,右面各有獅子的臉,左面各有牛的臉,後面各有鷹的臉。11各展開上邊的兩個翅膀相接,各以下邊的兩個翅膀遮體。12他們俱各直往前行。靈往哪裡去,他們就往那裡去,行走並不轉身。13至於四活物的形像,就如燒著火炭的形狀,又如火把的形狀。火在四活物中間上去下來,這火有光輝,從火中發出閃電。14這活物往來奔走,好像電光一閃。15我正觀看活物的時候,見活物的臉旁各有一輪在地上。16輪的形狀和顏色(原文是作法)好像水蒼玉。四輪都是一個樣式,形狀和作法好像輪中套輪。17輪行走的時候,向四方都能直行,並不掉轉。18至於輪輞,高而可畏;四個輪輞周圍滿有眼睛。19活物行走,輪也在旁邊行走;活物從地上升,輪也都上升。20靈往哪裡去,活物就往那裡去;活物上升,輪也在活物旁邊上升,因為活物的靈在輪中。」
Bible Reading: Ezekiel 1:4-20Did you have any difficulty reading or understanding this passage today? You are not alone. Ezekiel had difficulty himself even trying to describe what he saw. Notice how many times he used
the words “like” or “likeness”. He could not write down exactly what he was seeing. He simply said “It was like ...”
But the hidden message is clear. Those angelic beings moved in whatever direction they wanted to. The wheels within wheels did not need to turn one way or the other. They were so constructed
that there was a wheel ready to go in whatever direction the angelic beings desired to go and nothing could stop them.
That is the heart of the vision. That is the hidden meaning. All this was symbolic of the power and the sovereignty of God. When He desires to move, nothing can stand in His way. He is over all.
He is in complete control.
Why were the Israelites in Babylon? God had put them there. Did Nebuchadnezzar defeat and capture Jerusalem? It was God who gave him the power to do so. Were the Israelites to be in
Babylon forever? No, in God’s time He would bring them back again to their own land. All this and more was part of Ezekiel’s message to the people.
Again this message is for us. When the day seems dark and the future uncertain, we need to remember that God is sovereign. He knows what He is doing and knows His plan for our lives. We
can trust our lives, our loved ones to Him. He can see the end from the beginning and can bring us through whatever circumstances we may face, to the praise of His glory and grace.
All the way my Saviour leads me.
What have I to ask besides?