The Power of Prayer -- Colossians 1:10-14  

            God calls His children to represent Him before an unbelieving world, much like ambassadors to a foreign country. To properly serve as His representatives, we must live according to His will. The apostle Paul prayed that the believers in Colosse--most of whom he had never met--would know and follow God's plan. Paul specifically asked God to...

            Produce fruitfulness. We bear fruit by investing our lives in the work that the Lord has planned for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). The world says, "See to your own wants and needs." But believers make God's plan their priority and trust in His care and provision. 

            Provide knowledge. Knowing God means experiencing His presence. As intimacy with Him increases, we gain deeper trust, stronger hope, and greater effectiveness in service. 

            Grant His strength. Carrying out God's kingdom work requires fortitude, patience, and steadfastness. Only as the Holy Spirit strengthens us in our inner being will we be able to remain on course (Ephesians 3:16). Relying upon our own abilities and energy simply will not take us far. 

            Teach gratitude. We live in a world where cynicism and distrust abound. But we who belong to Jesus are to demonstrate a spirit of thankfulness because we have received what is truly important--rescue from Satan's domain, forgiveness of all our sins, and permanent adoption into God's family. 

            Prayer is powerful because of the One to whom we pray. What God purposes, He accomplishes. For whom could you make the above requests?


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